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EnVi Dog Rescue and Animal Sanctuary

ENVI DOG RESCUE - Nominated for Best Charity, in MONTCO’s best! in 4 categories! Your vote counts...please vote for ENVI at the below link. Thank you for your support.
Ways to Donate - We can't do it without you.

Welcome to EnVi Dog Rescue & Animal Sanctuary!!!
We are Building a Better Future for Senior Animals in Need
Help a Senior Animal in Need Today!
We are a 501c3 non-profit Dog Rescue & Animal Sanctuary.
We specialize in seniors, special needs, neglect cases, and hospice for them to live out their days with the love and care in a home environment, not in a kill shelter.
EnVi = End Violence
EnVi Dog Rescue and Animal Sanctuary relies on the generosity of animal lovers like you!
Thank you for your support!
Foster to Adopt Success Stories
Through our work in the community and building relationships with local pet owners we have successfully provided homes to many dogs.

Meet King! This silly boy is currently at his new Foster to Adopt home. Where he can be on 2 acres and a lot of walks in a near by park! Good luck King!

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